Sunday, January 15, 2012

40 isn't so bad

Well I am now!  Time sure does fly. It's amazing to me the amount of things that I have thought about building up to this last birthday.  How did I get here?  Where did the time go? My mom and dad must feel pretty old.  I loved the last decade of my life, it was the best one yet.  I hope I get another 40 years.  What a wonderful life I have! There are so many wonderful people in it.  I can't believe so many people came to my party.  What a fabulous husband I have!  And 4 absolutely amazing children!  How blessed is my entire family that we are all healthy...the list just goes on and on.  If I had a crystal ball when I was young and took a peek in it back when I was young I'd be so happy to see where I am.  I can't imagine my life any other way than the way it is now.  The way that God made it.  I'm so overwhelmed with love...

Of course today was back to the "normal" life...drama, issues, chaos and confusion, attitudes, arguments and the like...but I guess that's life.  I made Mark mad.  I made Joey mad.  I feel guilty.  I didn't play much with either Avery or Noah.  Luke went home.  I'm nervous about tomorrow.  It's kind of funny how depending on what thoughts you focus on you can either feel happy or sad.  I guess our thoughts are a choice too.  I can choose to focus on all of the wrong or I can choose to focus on trying to make the wrongs right.  I can choose attitude or I can choose gratitude.  Today I choose gratitude.  I'm so thankful for all of the things in my life the good and the bad, the ups and the downs.  I'm so thankful that I can keep trying to make things better.