Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I guess it is because I'm pregnant...or maybe because I'm surrounded by pregnant mothers all the time..

But lately I can't seem to focus on anything but the ins and outs of childbirth, the things that Dr.'s say to their patients, the way my own midwives view pregnancy, birth and everything in between.

Today I need to focus on the psyche of a pregnant mother at the end of her pregnancy.  In the past couple weeks two of the mother's that I work with have had c-sections.  They are both young and healthy.

What bothers me most is that you can watch the set up happen.  I listen as the new mother gets closer to her due date...I hear things like "the dr. said the baby is coming any day", or "the head is very low" and "they think I'm going to go soon".

Now I know that Dr.s go to medical school and study for years to become Doctors, but that doesn't make them God!  There is no way to know when a mother is going to begin labor except to either wait until she goes into labor or to encourage labor to start with a synthetic drug.  So why do these doctors say things like this?  It's like they are setting up the mothers to be impatient, or to request induction..or worse to request a cesarean.

We all know our baby is coming out "soon"...but the perspective of soon to a pregnant mother compared to the rest of the world is very different.  So maybe these doctors should clarify that the baby will be coming soon becuase you are nearing the end of your pregnancy.  Maybe we should all be a little more patient.  Gestation can take up to 42 weeks.but by 40 weeks and 2 days people are usually planning their induction..  And once that fails they are planning their c-section...and after one you might as well have another.  And then in order for the doctors to feel justified in their decision they say things like "oh it's a good thing, your pelvis is too small."  Does God really make our pelvis too small to deliver an average sized baby?  Or is it just something to ease the pain and set up the next c-section?