Saturday, October 5, 2013


Today was a magical day.  I feel like I just came out of a Disney movie!  I got to meet and take yoga class with the most amazing teacher.  She is 95 years old.  95!!  Can you even imagine being 95?  I know that I can’t.  And I can only dream about being 95 and still being able to walk, let alone touch my toes.  But this woman does more than touch her toes…She does things that some people can’t do at 20. 
But what she really did is teach me some very important lessons, lessons that I can only hope that everyone would learn.  She taught about love.  Loving everyone and everything is so important to her.  The woman smiled the entire time.  Not a fake smile because everyone was looking at her but a real smile, a smile that comes from within and radiates outward because her heart is filled with love.
She taught about living in the moment, this moment, right now.  How much more precious is life when we are present?  How much more enjoyment would we get if we lived for right now this very moment instead of worrying about every little thing that comes to mind.  If we understood that this moment will end so quickly and the next will be here shortly, maybe we could endure a little more hardship.   Every moment doesn’t have to be bliss but we should be present for every moment and then let it pass.  Move with time so we aren’t stuck in the last moment.  So we can fully experience all that life has to offer.
She said not to procrastinate.  HHMMM!  That’s a tough one for me.  But I think she might be on to something there too. If we just do the next thing we don’t have to think about it later. 

It is my hope that all of you will learn these same lessons.  I would love for all of us to just live joyfully.  We only get a short time to live. And if we are truly blessed we get 95 years!  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I guess it is because I'm pregnant...or maybe because I'm surrounded by pregnant mothers all the time..

But lately I can't seem to focus on anything but the ins and outs of childbirth, the things that Dr.'s say to their patients, the way my own midwives view pregnancy, birth and everything in between.

Today I need to focus on the psyche of a pregnant mother at the end of her pregnancy.  In the past couple weeks two of the mother's that I work with have had c-sections.  They are both young and healthy.

What bothers me most is that you can watch the set up happen.  I listen as the new mother gets closer to her due date...I hear things like "the dr. said the baby is coming any day", or "the head is very low" and "they think I'm going to go soon".

Now I know that Dr.s go to medical school and study for years to become Doctors, but that doesn't make them God!  There is no way to know when a mother is going to begin labor except to either wait until she goes into labor or to encourage labor to start with a synthetic drug.  So why do these doctors say things like this?  It's like they are setting up the mothers to be impatient, or to request induction..or worse to request a cesarean.

We all know our baby is coming out "soon"...but the perspective of soon to a pregnant mother compared to the rest of the world is very different.  So maybe these doctors should clarify that the baby will be coming soon becuase you are nearing the end of your pregnancy.  Maybe we should all be a little more patient.  Gestation can take up to 42 weeks.but by 40 weeks and 2 days people are usually planning their induction..  And once that fails they are planning their c-section...and after one you might as well have another.  And then in order for the doctors to feel justified in their decision they say things like "oh it's a good thing, your pelvis is too small."  Does God really make our pelvis too small to deliver an average sized baby?  Or is it just something to ease the pain and set up the next c-section?

Friday, February 22, 2013


Sometimes it is just SSSSOOOOO annoying to be pregnant!  I pee my pants so often.  And I can't keep up with the laundry.  And when I'm pregnant I only have two or three pairs of comfortable pants!  AAAAHHHH!  But I'm not staying there.  I will not complain about peeing my pants or Noah peeing my bed or being tired.  I will not complain about anything because the verse on my fridge, the one that I'm trying to get the kids to memorize, fits me too!  Do everything without complaining or arguing! Phil 2:14  So in trying to teach my children how to get along, I have learned that I complain an AWFUL lot.  I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

Today I have two friends that are struggling.  Struggling to just move forward in their days.  I was so grateful to be able to go and help, to relieve some of the pressure.  She is so beautiful and it is so upsetting to watch post partum depression have it's way in her life.  I found myself praying for her while I just held her baby and Noah played with her son.  I am grateful today for my struggles because although at the time I thought I might not make it through, I know now how to help another mother going through similar feelings.

My other friend, I'm completely helpless!  I have no idea what to say.  I don't know what I can do to even begin to take an ounce of the pressure off.  Her 3 year old has brain cancer.  He is so sick.  He is so thin.  He is so frail.  I think that if we let ourselves we could even believe that he may be dying.  It's the most horrific thing that I've ever witnessed.  I have prayed along with thousands of others,  every day for over a year for God to heal him.  I have asked for him to give them strength.  I don't know how long he expects that they can do this for but it is simply horrific.  I wish that I could do or say something.  I find that even my emails are just one or two lines.  I want her to know that she is always on my mind.  But I have no idea what to say.  It sure seems silly to me to complain about wetting my pants or having to wash my sheets for the third time in three days.  And the amazing thing about this friend though is that she always seems to care about what is going on in my not so dramatic life.  God I just pray blessings on their family.  I pray for healing for that little boy.  I pray that you continue to remain right by their side as the endure the unthinkable.