Monday, April 9, 2012


I love yoga..I love the safety that I feel in just being in my body.  No judgements just is absolutely amazing what I can observe in an hour long practice on the mat.  Today I went into yoga with a purpose, my purpose being to detox my body, to get rid of all of the carrot cake, wine and cheesy goodness that I ate yesterday.  I always crave yoga when I wake up feeling my physical worst. 

But while I was there I got so much more than a detox of the body.  The detox was also cleaning out my brain and there were these wet things dripping from my eyes.  While I was practicing, going from one twist to the next, from one side of the body to the other, I realized that my teeth were clenched.  My bottom jaw is so tight.  I am holding on to something. Oh and it is hurting me!  I twist some more and some more...some balancing twists. Oh those are rough ones today.  Did you ever notice just how difficult it is to do something when you are trying so hard.  If I could only relax, breath and let it go. Then and only then can I actually receive the benefit of doing the pose.  Why do I continue to force things rigid and holding my breath?  It is so much nicer to just go with the flow.

So I ended my class as I end all classes, in sivasana.  Only this time there are these tears rolling out of my eyes and dripping onto my mat and I can't find the willpower to top them.  So instead I listen to the beautiful sound of Chris' voice and just let them roll.  Heal me Lord.  Here is my pain, my sorrow, my trouble for today.  Take it and heal me.  Thank you Jesus for meeting me on my mat today.  I can't wait for the next time.

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