Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A do-over is in order

I woke up this morning to Mark telling me he overslept.  So move your butt and get out of here.  And as I tell him that Avery, who had snuck into my bed last night, thought I was talking to her.  So she is in her room hiding under her blankets.  In the meantime I have Noah whining and fussing as usaual.  If this kid EVER learns how to sleep in his own bed I'll be absolutely amazed.

Joey never came to be last night.  And when he got home from the gym, I found myself wishing he'd just go back where he came from.  But I continue on with my plans to make this a Happy St. Patrick's Day.  I start putting everything in the crock pot and knock over my entire cup of coffee.  AAAHHH can I tell you how hard it is to stay in his peace and contentment.

But here I am at 8:50 about an hour and a half later, and his grace was on me this morning.  Because through all of my chaotic morning I haven't lost my temper yet.  Now that is unbelievable.  The Lord is so good, so loyal and so true.  That he has given me a new heart with a new perspective on life is unbelievable.  I honestly didn't deserve it.   

I love how the Lord makes everything work for His glory.  He's always teaching me something.  Even in my trials there is a truth and a lesson to be learned.  Tonight as I was thinking about my morning I realized that being a mom means so many things.  One thing that it means is that I'm always on duty.  So I need to pray for my upcoming morning the night before.  I need to pray all day long in order to stay near to him. 

There is always going to be trials.  Some are going to be little everyday trials and some are going to be big trials.  I think that the little ones prepare us for the big ones.  They show us how to deal with upsets and spilled coffee.  I am still so selfish.  I still want everything to go my way but I'm learning how to accept when things don't go as I've planned. 

Thank you Jesus for this day.  Thank you for granting me peace in a chaotic world.  I have no idea how I lived before we met.  But I'm so grateful to know you now.  You are my comfort, my shield, my resting place and my savior.  You allow me to have a do-over whenever I need it. 2 Corinthians 3:17  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

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